Hope Deferred

 I think everyone of us has had the friend, the one that we're not quite sure why they like us and want to spend their time hanging out on the weekend. You've known her since middle school, and will never forget the first time that she walked up to your table as you sat staring into your food, trying not to look lonely. Maybe you even met earlier than that, but the scenario is the same, you grew up close and as time went on you saw less and less of each other. But it never fails that when hard times come, when tragedy occurs, when the bad news arrives, so does your friend, with a bouquet of flowers and a pint of your favorite ice cream. How does she remember after all these years? How does she keep up with where I'm living right now? When she knocks on the door she brings an air of refreshing, of peace, and its like you've never been a part. Laughing and joking over the old times and all the shenanigans you got into together. How you never thought it would work out, passing the Biology exam, getting that date, getting over that break up, and on and on through the years. 

Its been a rough few months here at my house. I feel like I have a habit of saying that in every blog post, but we go over mountains and through valleys and that's life. Its been a mountain climb for us lately. Our daughter had been battling pre-term labor and we were on grand baby duty for a few weeks solid. However, the doctor had sent her home and we were ecstatic. About three Sundays ago, we got the opportunity to visit another church as guests. It was so homey and comfortable. The worship was sweet and there was a Thanksgiving potluck right after service. What a refreshing time for our family. I told my husband that this time was a gift from the Lord for us, an oasis in the desert. I wasn't sure if it was a reward at the end of the challenge or a water break in between sets, but I'd take it either way. 

We returned from the services and that afternoon our daughter had to return to the hospital because she was going into labor again. She was 26 weeks. Our hearts sank. What was God doing? Why couldn't things just be normal and her pregnancy be ok and life just go back to how it should be? What was going to happen? The doctors and our daughter fought off labor until Friday night when we got the call that they needed to perform an emergency c-section. There are lots of other details to this story that made it even more anxiety ridden for my husband and I as we lay in bed that night praying for our daughter and her baby. It was her 26th birthday and in true parent fashion, thoughts of our own time in the delivery room bringing her to this world flooded our minds. Hope and faith struggled with doubt. 

The next morning we woke up to pictures of our new teeny-tiny granddaughter, a whopping 1 pound 10 ounces. And we breathed a sigh of relief. 

Friends, I have become accustomed to grief. I wrote last time of my relationship with her. But let me introduce you to my old and faithful friend, Hope. She's always around to point out to you how good things can turn out.  Reminding you of how God has been good to you before and will be again. Don't ignore her, don't keep her outside. 


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