It All Begins With Hope

Its the first Sunday of Advent and with little people still in my house, I'm revving up for the joyful season.

I have always loved the traditions of Christmas and while the Goodman and I have held on to some from our childhoods, we have forged some of our own.

Every year since Tony's first Christmas we have put together a prayer chain.

We make a list of family and friends and make one paper chain link per person or family.

Then we string them all together and before bedtime, we all pray for one each night counting down to Christmas Day.

Hope. That's what prayer gives us. Its our own line of dialogue with the One who gives us the means to live and move and have our being. And during the holiday season we especially remember the eternal hope that Jesus' birth in Bethlehem brought to all mankind. Without that hope, that looking forward to His return once again for His Bride, what kind of people would we be?


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