Simple Prayer

I'm trying out something new this time around. I'm praying through fixed-hour prayers and using a written format. I thought it would be so rigid and methodical and BORING. But I'm happily surprised that its not.

Being raised Pentecostal, prayer to me was always lively and spontaneous and more like a conversation. Then a few years ago we jumped into the 24 hour prayer movement and participated in prayer vigils and prayer walks and prayer everything. It was warfare and adoration and thanksgiving and so much more. I love walking into a room that has had prayer going on round the clock and literally feeling the "atmosphere" of the place.

Prayer has always been very central in my life since I was a little girl. I talk to God a lot and about a multitude of things and in conversation or petition or what have you, but I wanted to stretch a little bit. So here I am trying out something different and loving the simplicity of it.

It feels quiet and serene and just right for this moment, here.


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