Your Momma's Music

I've found myself over the past couple of weeks thinking about my mom a lot. Sometimes its when I'm kissing my babies and hugging on them and remembering how very much I loved all of my mom's hugs even when I didn't act like it.

Something I have especially been remembering lately is the music in our house. She would wake us up with a song.
"Good morning to you, good morning to you, we're all in our places, with sunshiney faces, now this is the way to start a new day!"
I've never been a morning person, but that song still rings in my head with all the inflections of her voice. When we were sad there was,
"Jesus takes a frown and He turns is upside down and whoops here comes a smile!" 
She would clean the house with the Imperials and Carmen and Amy Grant and more than pine sol and Comet would permeate our home. Ron Kenoli on the the way to church and Smokey Robinson or Lionel Richie on a rainy day. My grandma has it too, this gift. I can still hear her standing at the sink singing Jesus, Name Above All Names.

Music is so very powerful! You don't have to have an amazing voice to create an atmosphere of love and hope and joy in your home. Memories are held in song, stories are passed down from generation to generation. My momma taught that to me maybe without her even knowing it.


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