
Beverly Kay...the mother of my beloved. How can I not pay honor to her memory on this day for mothers? I only knew her for a short two years and yet what she left behind lives on. Those who knew her describe her beauty and her strength, her love for her family and people in general. My memories are but a fleeting glimpse of the woman she was, but they paved a way for me that has sustained me along the journey.

From her sitting down with this wayward girl with a baby in tow to feel out just how serious I was about her first born boy, the blazing fire in the lodge at Ober Gatlinburg still burns bright with the questions she posed to me. Her quiet way of loving her family and occasionally not so serene way of knocking some sense into your head. I had the pleasure of presenting her with her first born grandchild, a beautiful blond haired blue eyed girl with daddy's ears and papa's curls. My last moment with her would not be recognized as such until hindsight brought its clarity. She was sitting on the couch and I kissed her head. Just another day, but never to be repeated.

My loss at her passing is so feeble in comparison to what others suffered, yet it is still felt nonetheless. The memory of her life and the impact it had affected so many. I am but one.

She taught me how to pray for my crazy children and never to give up on them. She showed me to always be there for your man no matter how hard headed he could be, and not to shrink back when something needs to be said to him, you may be the only one who can say it. There is an elegance to just being who you are and not pretending to be something you're not. Lead through example.

I am eternally grateful for this woman who loved and nurtured the man who would one day be mine. She endowed him with her love for people and willingness to sacrifice self. Words can never express, but thank you...


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