The Quiet Girl

You know its not until you get away from the noise and bustle that you realize just how very noisy and crazy it was? I'm a quiet person by nature and somehow God saw fit to attach the other half of my heart to the loudest man on the planet. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to and even the fact that my kiddos all take after him. But every once in a while I just can't take it anymore and I have to get away into the silence.

Ministry and work are loud places as well and people in large crowds can do me in. With this all swirling around me I can have the tendency to think that there must be something wrong with me to want to be quiet every once in a while and stuff.

So, we came here to the Dominican Republic and the obvious retreat from my normally loud life was a welcome reprieve. My husband likes to hit the ground running and surf, and swim, and run here and there. But me, I was so happy when Tropical Storm Chantal blew through the island and stirred things up so that I couldn't do anything but sit around and watch the rain and listen to the thunder and sip coffee and read. How lovely! Today I'm sitting here on the balcony blissfully typing away with an overcast sky and nothing at all on my agenda. Nobody to cook for, nobody to clean up after, no phone, no noise. Ahh! Getting back in touch with my quiet was just the ticket for this girl.


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